Friday, August 27, 2010


I am absolutely disgusted and I'm taking over this blog to air my grievances!!!!!

Look at that insipid little puke!!!!!! Everyone thinks he's so cute. Barf, I say!!! Look at the indignities I have to deal with:

Some groomer thinking I'd be cute with ribbons................

Mom's abortive attempt to blow dry my hair...................

And what best exemplifies little cute Bertequila's true nature????? I'll show you:

All that twerp does is growl and bite and hamhock!!!!

So the next time anyone gets all on about cuteness and that garbage---------just show a little Weetz-itude

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Unholy Alliance

Oh Captain, my Captain.
Thou hast entered into an unholy alliance with Klingon Kats Lady GrGr
and Skippy-Kee.

Those evil Klingons slaughter doves in the driveway. They then present them to the Captain for her masticating pleasure.

It makes me so ashamed.......