Well those humans did it AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Locked me and the pack in the crate and went traipsing off to the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park for some event called "Evening in the Desert." There is a reason it's called "Chihuahuan", people---it's named after the mighty race of Anton Chico!!! Last time they took Weets. This time they left us all home while they saw scorpions (they glow under black light), a display on meteor craters, even rattlesnakes!!!! What, don't they think I could hold my own against one????????
There comes a time in the life of any small dog when it becomes necessary to make sure others in the pack respect your space. Here the mighty scion of Anton Chico prevents a predatory Cousin Seymour and a wicked Sharprador named Leny from depriving him of his cherished chip turk......Take special note of the sweet strong voice of this magnificent specimen.......
Sorry to all--I've been a laxahuahua this past week----no posts. I did a video and it just won't load to this blog. So please be patient and I'll try to get it up this week-end. Me, the rest of the crew, and Lady GRGR are going to spend the next two week in windy flat Clovis with our dad. I'm sure that will give me plenty to blog about..................LOL
This is a picture of me in the cage at the kill center before I joined my family. My kennel name was "Big Papi." So that's why this post appears today------
This is my special expression for that bad wimpy Leny-----letting them put a scarf on her----what a wimp dog-----she really pisses me off and I hate it that she gets all the attention all the time------------