Sunday, March 7, 2010


Yessiree, that's a picture of one angry chihuahua. And why shouldn't I be. First, that Sharprador gets to go to Zeefiro's N Y Pizza. Then my parents lock all of us except that Schnauzahuhua in the Nargle and go to the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park with Weetz!!!!! I ask you, how is that fair??? I'M THE CHIHUAHUA!!!!!!!! Just because I hate walking on a leash, don't come when I'm called, and generally ignore human commands is no reason I shouldn't get to go, right???
Look at this picture---how cool must that place be......

1 comment:

  1. it looks pretty cool to me. but i won't wear a leash and almost never come when called.........

    D T
