Sunday, January 31, 2010

Boycott the NFL

Watch the Pro Bowl or Super Bowl. You will NOT see one helmet with the image of a canine!!!! The NFL is for the cats and birds, abounding with jaguars, panthers, seahawks, and ravens. Equines are represented--colts and broncos. Even fish for god sake!!!! But NO DOGS!!!! The league has dog haters like Vick---an eagle, yet!!!!! But the superior canines like chihuahuas, shepherds, labs, sharpradors----NO SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for your attention.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Small dogs frequently get disparaged as "ankle-biters." Couldn't be more unfair!!! Obviously small dogs need to be able to assert their rights and protect themselves.
Just look at the size difference between me and my big sister, Leny:

I'm barely as big as her head!!!!!! But I need my space and my turn, hence, ham-hocking. I don't bite ankles. If I did that to my Dad or Mom they'd launch me across the room. And dogs don't exactly have well-defined ankles. Neither do cats. So it's ham-hocking!!!! That's the top of the leg, like where I'm going after Weetzie in this picture:

It works and it gets the attention of whomsoever gets ham-hocked. How else can a chihuahua get the attention of a huge sharprador??? Or a perverse siamese??? So that's ham-hocking in a nutshell, or should that be a pecan shell since that's the orchard here.............

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If you have it, I want it

Monday, January 25, 2010

A good life requires a long chip stick

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sometimes you need to show who's boss

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chihuahuas make great ankle warmers

Friday, January 22, 2010


I am Bertequila, proud chihuahua and blogger. The name of this blog is the result of my dad's penchant for word play. I usually wear a shirt because of skin issues so I get called "shirt-bert" which is easily morphed into "sherbet", hence, ice cream. Of course, "Bert" can be short for "Bertrand", and since I have some rat terrier genes mixed in, close to Jack Russell terrier; ergo, Bertrand Russell, the philosopher..............Hence the blog name "Ice-Cream Philosopher."

I hope to post insights and sayings as frequently as I can----being a chihuahua the cranial capacity may be a little limited compared to homo sapiens but, whatever.